Bristol Reach NUJ strike 31 August 2022. Photo: Simon Chapman. Licensed to NUJ South West England branch.
The National Union of Journalists

Working hard for
journalists everywhere

The NUJ brings media workers together


What’s going on?


Branch meetings

Branch meetings are monthly, generally on the second Monday of the month at 6.30pm. They take place online via Zoom and in person at Tony Benn House, Victoria Street, Bristol BS1 6AY.

NUJ logo red

Keeping in touch

All members of the SWE branch will receive regular emails informing them of branch news and meetings. If you’re not receiving emails contact


Around the SW

The SWE branch covers Bristol, Bath, Somerset, Gloucestershire, Wiltshire, Dorset, Devon, Cornwall and the Channel Islands. We will hold events in each county in the year to May 2024.

Social media

We want to keep in touch with members in the ways that they want. Facebook groups for each county? WhatsApp groups? Tell us what would work for you.


Area reps

Historically the main strength of the union in the SW has been in Bristol. We want everyone to be able to get the comradeship and help they need. That’s why we’re recruiting area reps.

Suggestions and contributions

If you’ve got suggestions for things you think the branch should be doing, or something you’d like to see on this website, get in touch.