Bristol NUJ is supporting an important event at the Watershed on February 24 to discuss how the media handles issues concerning lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.
NUJ members at the Bristol branch AGM on January 26th were united in sending condolences for the personal circumstances which have forced our Chair, Christina Zaba, to stand down from the post.
Two interesting stories about the state of the media on the American online publication which offer a mix of bleak predictions and a modicum of hope.
Journalism Half Award Hourly Paid Lecture (temporary contract) The University of the West of England’s Department of Culture, Media and Drama is looking for a suitably qualified person to teach one weekly 2 hour practical journalism writing workshop for first year journalism students from January 25 –May 21 covering the Semester 2 academic teaching block.
VISCOUNT Rothermere, chairman of the Daily Mail & General Trust, saw his income jump from £705,000 to £1.32 million in the year to October 2009 as Bristol employees suffered a pay freeze.
Bristol NUJ invites all members to end the year with Christmas cheer. Join us at the Punchbowl, Old Market, Bristol BS2 0EJ from 5.30pm on Friday December 18th.
THE Press Complaints Commission has criticised the Bristol Evening Post over its coverage of the funeral of a young suicide victim – stirring controversy among journalists, some of who believe the newspaper behaved correctly.
STAFF at Bristol’s only newspaper group, Bristol News & Media, face the prospect of yet more job cuts next year despite its parent group making a £24 million profit.
Nick Davies gave the fourth annual NUJ Benn Lecture at the Arnolfini in Bristol
NEW ways to regulate the British press emerged following a talk by Nick Davies, the renowned journalist and media commentator, at a packed Benn Lecture 2009 organised by Bristol NUJ.