About Us

We are the South West England branch of the National Union of Journalists. We bring together NUJ members in Bristol, Bath, Somerset, Gloucestershire, Wiltshire, Dorset, Devon, Cornwall and the Channel Islands.

We have around 800 members across the South West working in areas such as broadcasting, newspapers, magazines, books, video, charities, websites and public relations. We have reporters, photographers, sub-editors, radio and TV presenters, writers, and other professional journalists, as self-employed freelances or employed staff.

We have meetings every month, held in person for those in Bristol and online via Zoom for those elsewhere. At meetings we discuss matters of local and national interest to journalists including workplace issues and matters of policy and journalistic ethics. linking to the 23,000 members of the NUJ nationally, and a wide range of events, from speakers to freelance social get-togethers to swap tips and opportunities.

The SWE branch was formed in May 2023. It replaced all branches in South West England, with the aim of uniting members across the region to ensure support for journalists wherever they work.

We have committed to holding meetings in every county of the South West in our first year. So far we have held a very successful event in Gloucester with more to follow in Wiltshire, Cornwall and elsewhere.


Contact us at the individual addresses given on the Contact Us page or email swenuj@proton.me


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