
The Freelance Officers for NUJ Bristol Branch are Anita Bennett and Simon Chapman.

Email: or
A comprehensive source of information is available to members at the NUJ’s London Freelance Branch. This is a great resource and includes the NUJ Freelance Fees Guide which will allow you to see what a fair rate for a job is. Use these rates as the minimum recommended by the NUJ and a starting point, but make the most of any additional specialist knowledge or contacts you can offer or exclusive material you have.


Freelancing can be potentially lonely and isolating, so there are networks where you can connect up with people to share experiences and exchange advice.
The first place of course for this is the South West branch of the NUJ – branch meetings are every month and a great place to meet up, and there are always several experienced freelancers around (as there are several on the executive committee) who are happy to give advice.
We also organise social events, talks and seminars on ‘Getting Started as a Freelance’ which have proved very popular.
We want to build this into a resource for freelancers in the region, from broadcasting, print, photography and new media, so if you have any comments or any links that you can share, please contact Anita or Simon via the addresses above.

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