Join the NUJ

Membership of the NUJ is open to all journalists – staff and freelance – including writers and reporters, editors and sub-editors, photographers and illustrators, editorial designers and artists, in newspapers, electronic media, magazines, books, broadcasting, PR and information; or as advertising and fashion photographers, advertising copywriters or editorial computer systems workers. It is also open to anyone else working for a media company, provided no other unions are present at that workplace.

For details see the Join the NUJ section on the national NUJ website.

But why should you join? Here are just some of the reasons why it makes so much sense to be a member of the NUJ…


There is less likelihood of race, gender, age or disability discrimination in a unionised workplace, and often more maternity leave/paternity leave and flexible working.

Extra help with NUJ Extra

Our registered charity helps NUJ members and their dependants in times of need. The NUJ offers members a wide range of other benefits too, such as payments during unemployment or disputes. We also offer cut-price financial services, reductions on a range of products and services, including good deals on computer equipment.

Health and safety

Union health and safety officers in workplaces have extensive powers to ensure the risks of injury or ill-health – such as RSI, stress and bullying – are reduced or eliminated.

Legal support

Every year the NUJ helps hundreds of members win damages from employers and clients, from hundreds of pounds to six-figure sums.

More holiday

In a unionised workplace you get more annual leave – six days a year on average.

More pay

We campaign and negotiate to improve our members’ pay. People in unionised workplaces earn, on average, 8% more than those in non-unionised ones.

Press freedom

On behalf of journalists, the union lobbies government and employers in defence of press freedom and acts to protect it when it comes under threat.

Professional Conduct, Professional Press Card

The NUJ’s Code of Conduct is recognised as the professional benchmark for responsible, ethical standards. The NUJ Press Card is formally recognised by all police forces in the UK and de facto by other public bodies. It opens doors and is a mark of professionalism for journalists in the UK and Ireland.

Professional training

The NUJ can help you gain and maintain the right skills to succeed – from writing to editing, design to production. Check out the opportunities for professional and trade union training here.


Union members are less likely to be made redundant… and where they are they receive, on average, superior terms

For details see the Join the NUJ section on the national NUJ website.

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