….and the blogosphere.
Thoughts and reports about last weekend’s events, ‘What’s the Blogging Story?’, when hacks and hackers discussed, debated, and – sometimes – agreed:
Roy Greenslade in the Guardian: “It will take some time before there is a unity of thought, and journalistic action, that weds the old with the new, the professionals with the amateurs, the journalists with the citizens….” read more
Oliver Conner on his Storify page: “Panellist Sarah Ditum has experience of constructing online rages – and used her skills to help sack Danny Dyer from Zoo…” read more
Marc Cooper: “There we were, a big bunch of media types, huddled together in a slightly-too-warm room at a trendy Bristol waterside bar/cafe/cinema beloved of lefty intellectuals and film buffs, talking about ourselves.What do bloggers do?…” read more
Jamie Thunder at the European Journalism Centre magazine: “One audience member suggested that anonymity was particularly important for bloggers writing from repressive regimes…” read more
Anton Vowl at Enemies of Reason: “the slightly navel-fluff-picking tendency of bloggers and journalists, blog-journalists, journalist-bloggers, media bloggers, blournalists and joggers* to peer at each other suspiciously like chimps on opposite sides of the same enclosure….” read more
Angry Mob: “Whilst journalists might traditionally be trained to write objectively and to ensure their articles are clear and balanced, this seems to me to be impossible…” read more
Bristol Editor: “Where is the line between blogging and journalism, and who decides what is more valuable, relevant or useful?…To my mind, there is no difference… There is – however – a big difference in the perception of the audience…” read more
Sarah Ditum at Paperhouse: “Bloggers – I think, anyway – are quite likely to become workers for media companies over time, and it makes sense for the union to cultivate the sympathetic ones from early on whether they ultimately turn pro or not…” read more
Twitter: #newsfutures
Report of the whole weekend here
Streamed Friday night panel event here