TOMORROW, Saturday 19th February, NUJ Bristol Branch will be joining a huge demonstration in the city to protest against the Tory-led government’s public sector spending cuts.
The branch is calling on all local NUJ members to join in and march under the green and white National Union of Journalists banner.
The NUJ will be joining other trade unions in the city, as well as the many other groups and individuals in the Bristol and District Anti-Cuts Alliance, the organisers of the event.
NUJ Bristol Branch is affiliated to Bristol Trades Union Council, the local joint trade union decision-making body made up of representatives from unions across the city.
The Trades Council is in turn affiliated to the Bristol and District Anti-Cuts Alliance.
Tomorrow’s demonstration will aim to remind the council of the strength of local feeling and determination to fight the attack on public services by the government.
It comes in the run-up to Bristol City Council’s meeting to set budgets and make over £30 million worth of cuts to our public services on their budget day, 22 February.
There was a substantial demonstration last October, and the organisers are expecting tomorrow’s action to be bigger still.
BADACA say: “We have now reached crunch time. Council budgets are being set, redundancy notices sent out, services stopped or sold off, grants cut and the NHS destroyed. We must make an all-out effort to show that the majority of people in and around Bristol oppose this.”
The regional demonstration is part of the lead-up to a national demonstration against the cuts organised by the TUC for 26 March in London.
There is a Facebook page on which to register interest and show support, at ‘Bristol: Demonstration Against the ConDem Cuts in Public Services’.
See you there.
- The organisers are looking for stewards. Please email admin@bristolanticutsalliance.org.uk
- If any Branch members would like to help carry the NUJ banner, please email bristol (a) nuj.org.uk