I’ll be marching… there’s no way my biscuits are being cut!

By The News Hound

So it’s been a bit more cheerful round here recently, what with the spring and the news that Venue’s saved, which seems to have cheered up Mistress anyway, I’m not sure why.

She keeps going round saying: Listings! Listings! And then talking about QR codes and how you could get text about places, and things, and exhibits in museums, sent to your mobile phone just by taking a pic of one of these little squares, which she says is like a bar code, but it clearly isn’t – in fact it doesn’t look like a bar code at all.

News Hound

I know that when I was tied up outside the Co-op the other day, they were putting the shopping through using bar codes, and there wasn’t a mobile phone in sight.

It’s a bit too much for one doggy brain really.

I did enjoy going on that march a few weeks ago though, the one about the cuts in Bristol. It was lots of fun walking along with the Bristol Socialist Choir giving it their all and singing in harmonies.

I would have joined in but I was too busy keeping everyone organised and trying not to get my lead tangled up with the NUJ banner.

When we got to College Green, Mistress took me right to the front of the crowd so we could get a good look at the speakers.

I liked them, and I especially liked how everyone shouted and cheered when they’d finished talking.

I got to bark in those bits, which seemed to go down well, and lots of activists patted me and stroked me. I even had my picture taken with some of them, and one was put on Facebook!

Not by me though – I can’t work a keyboard, because I only have pause. I mean paws.

Anyway, what’s happening now is that they’re all talking about this big march in London that’s going to be on the 26th. It sounds huge, which will be brilliant. LOTS of Socialist Choirs and LOTS of speakers. How good is that?

I’ve never been to London, so I hope I can go. Mistress says if we don’t stop the cuts, we’re going to have to start making OTHER cuts around here.

She looks at me meaningfully and I know she’s thinking about cutting back my dog biscuits. Needs must, she says.

It doesn’t sound too great to me.

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