Prizes presented to student winners


ALL the prizes for this year’s Bristol NUJ student awards have been presented to the winners.

George Devereaux won the first year prize for his superb feature and layout on the subject of an artificial hand.

The second year prize was shared by Alex  Cousins, Ruth Krabacher and Ryan Davies for their hard-hitting film about stalking and domestic abuse.

They were presented with their awards at a ceremony in front of first-year journalism students at Ashton Court, Bristol.

Third year winner UWE student Rachael Clarke was presented with her award earlier, following her graduation ceremony.

Rachael won for her comprehensive 15-minute film discussion of the recycling scene in the Bristol area.

They were all congratulated by Bristol NUJ branch chair Paul Breeden.

“The judges were really impressed by the quality of all the entries for the NUJ Prizes from all three years of UWE journalism students,” he said.

The competition is designed to encourage UWE journalism students to display professional standards in their work. Students are also encouraged to join the NUJ, which offers a special rate of £30 for the duration of their course. Many UWE journalism students – and lecturers – are already members.

“The judges are looking for investigative work of a high quality which presents complex ideas in a readily understandable way,” said Paul. “Rachael was especially good at explaining the various strands of recycling initiatives and making the subject interesting to viewers.

“Alex, Ruth and Ryan made a very sensitive film about the delicate issue of stalking, while George did a superb feature and layout that stood out as a clear winner.”

“Our congratulations go to all the winners, and we hope they find opportunities to use professionally the skills they have learned at UWE.”


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