Bristol film premiere of One Rogue Reporter presented by Bristol NUJ

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Bristol NUJ presents

The 2014 Benn Lecture

The Bristol premiere of 


Creator and star Rich Peppiatt – a “recovering tabloid hack” – presents his film and anwsers questions


Friday November 21st The Cube Microplex, Dove Street South, Bristol BS2 8JD

Tickets £7 on the night, £5 concessions and NUJ members. Cash only at the Cube – no cards. £1 lifetime membership fee for non-Cube members.

Every year the Bristol branch of the National Union of Journalists invites a media figure of national importance to talk to us and answer questions.

This year we’re delighted to welcome Rich Peppiatt, – a former Daily Star reporter who gave evidence to the Leveson Inquiry about the disreputable tactics he was expected to use when working at the paper.

He’s now kicked the tabloid habit – and to fill his time he’s decided to make a wickedly funny film about the abuses common in the tabloid world.

See him doorstep figures such as ex-Sun editor Kelvin Mackenzie and subject them to the treatment meted out to unfortunate subjects of tabloid stories.




Everyone has fantasised about emailing their boss & unleashing what they really think of them.

Few actually ever reach for the keyboard.

Fewer still end up pressing ‘send’.

No one has made a film about it – until now.

One Rogue Reporter is the story of Rich Peppiatt, a tabloid hack who snaps over his red top paper’s fixation with sensationalism over substance and titillation over truth.

When the phone hacking scandal engulfs Rupert Murdoch’s News of the World, throwing tabloid ethics under the spotlight, Rich decides to use the skills he’s honed on Fleet Street to turn the tables

on the press barons peddling sex, lies and scaremongering under the cloak of journalism.

The result is a hilariously satirical documentary: part investigative exposé; part comedy caper; part cri de coeur against unaccountable press power.

What began as a critically-acclaimed comedy show at the Edinburgh Fringe has been inventively transferred to the screen with the help of incisive interviewees ranging from Steve Coogan, Hugh

Grant and John Bishop through to philosopher AC Grayling and former Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott.

One Rogue Reporter is an exploration of the boundaries of privacy, public interest and freedom of expression, using the very editors who abuse these rights as deserving targets of mischief.

From infamous former Sun editor Kelvin MacKenzie to feared Daily Mail chief Paul Dacre, this is one riotous tale you won’t be reading about in any tabloid newspaper…

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