Call for practical support for Bristol City of Sanctuary

Bristol continues to demonstrate its self-confidence and humanity on Wednesday May 9, when supporters of City of Sanctuary will come together to find ways of making its new status a reality.

Civic leaders, business and faith representatives will join Bristol Refugee Rights Members with their experience of seeking sanctuary to discuss plans to make Bristol a real city of sanctuary at the Assisi Centre from 6.30pm.

The meeting with a focus on ‘Building the city of sanctuary: Making it a reality’ is for organisations and individuals who have pledged their support for Bristol to be recognised as a city of sanctuary – a status Bristol celebrated at a colorful three-part event last June in Council House, at College Green and Bristol Cathedral.

The event is also open to everyone who shares the city of sanctuary principle and vision.

“We have a long way to go but the foundation is laid. I’m sure collectivelly we can help Bristol to achieve its aspiration as a city and its people to be a real city of sanctuary,” said Fr Richard McKay, Chair, City of Sanctuary.

City of Sanctuary is a national movement of local people and organisations working to make their city a place of welcome and safety for those seeking sanctuary from war and persecution. In recognition of the work already being done here, as well as the aspiration to do more, Bristol was awarded City of Sanctuary status in March 2011.


1. For interviews with either asylum seekers or members of the City of Sanctuary committee, contact Forward Maisokwadzo on 07919 894 900 or

2. The City of Sanctuary supporters’ meeting takes place at the Assisi Centre, St Nicholas of Tolentino, Lawford’s gate, Easton, Bristol, Wed May 9, from 6.30pm to 8.30pm.

3. For more information on City of Sanctuary go to

4. City of Sanctuary status was awarded to Bristol in March 2011 by the City of Sanctuary National Network which is made up of representatives from 10 cities. This followed a vote by the full council of Bristol City Council on 16th November 2010. It means that Bristol is recognised as providing key support for asylum seekers and refugees signifying it as a place which welcomes refugees and asylum seekers, offers them a place of safety and values their contribution.

5. Bristol NUJ Branch is proud to support the City of Sanctuary campaign from the start.


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