Is it so hard to recruit from black and ethnic minorities?

A SEMINAR on recruiting black and ethnic minority journalists is to be addressed by Mike Norton, editor of the Bristol Evening Post.

Other speakers at the event organised by the University of the West of England include Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, the well-known columnist and Visiting Professor in Journalism at UWE.

It is the second in a series of six seminars exploring the lack of ethnic diversity in the news media.

Are there proportionately fewer BME applicants for jobs in journalism? If so, why? Is it because vocational and degree courses attract fewer BME students?

Or because they feel excluded by informal recruitment practices that have traditionally favoured those who know the right people? If not, what is stopping them from being taken on? Should all journalism vacancies be publicly advertised?

This seminar will examine these and related questions, consider what lessons might be drawn from the direct experience of media professionals, and identify new areas of research that might address the issues raised.

Attendance is free, but places are limited so please book early.

The seminar is entitled: Widening ethnic diversity in the news media work force: Towards solutions.

It takes place on Wednesday June 30 from 10-5pm.

The venue is the Pierian Centre, Portland Square, St Pauls, Bristol BS2 8SA.

It is hosted by the Journalism Policy & Practice Research Group at UWE.

Speakers include: (*tbc)

Yasmin Alibhai-Brown (Author, broadcaster & columnist; Visiting Professor in Journalism, UWE)

Jake Bowers (Web Editor, Traveller’s Times)

Lena Calvert (Equalities Officer, NUJ)*

Chi Chan (formerly of Daily Telegraph Picture Desk)

Joy Francis (Creative Collective)

Vidar Hjardeng (Diversity Manager, ITV News

Forward Maisokwadzo (Exiled Journalists’ Network)

Mike Norton (Editor, Bristol Evening Post)

Elonka Soros (BBC English Regions)*

Janice Turner (BECTU)*

To book a place go here.

One response to “Is it so hard to recruit from black and ethnic minorities?”

  1. The above mentioned article missed on mentioning the two active personalities working hard on organising this much needed event, NUJ member Mike Jempson Senior Lecturer, Journalism at the School of Creative Arts and Director of the MediaWise Trust. And Dr Rakesh Kaushal Senior Lecturer of Journalism at the School of Creative Arts.

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